When I was a little girl, I fell in love with the performing arts. I sang favorite songs while taking baths, riding in cars, and playing with dolls. I frequently attempted to make music on a toy drum set, a keyboard, and the piano at my grandparents’ home. When I was seven-years-old, my parents signed me up for piano lessons. A few months later, I nervously performed in front of a packed audience at my first piano recital. At the age of 12, I sang for the first time in front of an audience at a Christmas program at my school. I couldn’t believe how much applause I got. Immediately, I knew I wanted the performing arts to always play an important role in my life. On this blog, I hope you will discover how engaging in the performing arts can enhance your life. Enjoy!

Perspective Matters: Even In Comic Strips, Who Tells The Story Wins

4 March 2021
, Blog

Comic strips follow much of the same storytelling rules as other stories; there is some sort of conflict, be it between siblings, friends, co-workers, or one person and everyone around them. In the strips, the resolution usually happens in just a couple of panels, and usually with humor. However, who comes out on top with that humor depends on who is telling the story. In farm animal comic strips, the resolution of conflicts takes on some stark differences when the strip focuses on the animals versus the humans.
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Mural Ideas For A Local Sports Facility

5 June 2020
 Categories: , Blog

Adding one or more murals to your local sports facility can go a long way toward improving its look and making young athletes and parents alike excited to visit to compete and to watch sporting events. If you're interested in a mural, look for a local art company that specializes in mural design. You'll be able to sit with an artist to discuss your goals for the project, and he or she can then make up some sketches for you to approve.
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How To Improve Your Portrait Photography

16 December 2019
 Categories: , Blog

Photography can be a lucrative business. Anyone can snap a picture with their cell phone camera, but creating a beautiful portrait requires the right equipment, skills, and knowledge. If you have these things, you can provide a valuable service that people will pay to obtain. Here are a few tips you can use to improve your portrait photography. 1. Invest in a prime lens. Professional cameras have bodies that can accept detachable lenses.
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5 Tips To Help You Get More Out Of Your Ballroom Dance Classes

26 March 2019
 Categories: , Blog

Taking ballroom dancing lessons can be a very rewarding undertaking. Dancing is a way of expressing yourself, and ballroom dancing leaves a lot of room for expression with the intricate and sensual moves it encompasses. A good instructor can teach you a lot during a ballroom dancing class, but to get the most out of the experience, you'll need to put some effort in, too. Here are some tips you can employ to get more out of your lessons.
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3 Things To Understand About Getting A Tattoo While Breastfeeding

17 September 2017
 Categories: , Blog

There are many myths circulating about getting tattoos while breastfeeding a child. Generally, tattoos are a safe procedure that will not harm you or your breastfeeding infant. However, there are some things you should be aware of before you choose to get a tattoo while breastfeeding.  Your Baby Is Not At Additional Risk  As a mother, it is common to be concerned about the substances entering your child's body through your breast milk.
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About Me
Falling in Love with the Performing Arts

When I was a little girl, I fell in love with the performing arts. I sang favorite songs while taking baths, riding in cars, and playing with dolls. I frequently attempted to make music on a toy drum set, a keyboard, and the piano at my grandparents’ home. When I was seven-years-old, my parents signed me up for piano lessons. A few months later, I nervously performed in front of a packed audience at my first piano recital. At the age of 12, I sang for the first time in front of an audience at a Christmas program at my school. I couldn’t believe how much applause I got. Immediately, I knew I wanted the performing arts to always play an important role in my life. On this blog, I hope you will discover how engaging in the performing arts can enhance your life. Enjoy!
