When I was a little girl, I fell in love with the performing arts. I sang favorite songs while taking baths, riding in cars, and playing with dolls. I frequently attempted to make music on a toy drum set, a keyboard, and the piano at my grandparents’ home. When I was seven-years-old, my parents signed me up for piano lessons. A few months later, I nervously performed in front of a packed audience at my first piano recital. At the age of 12, I sang for the first time in front of an audience at a Christmas program at my school. I couldn’t believe how much applause I got. Immediately, I knew I wanted the performing arts to always play an important role in my life. On this blog, I hope you will discover how engaging in the performing arts can enhance your life. Enjoy!


The Magic Touch: How A Commercial Makeup Artist Can Enhance Your Photoshoot

29 June 2023
, Blog

A photoshoot is an incredible way to capture precious moments and memories. But it's not just about the clothes you wear or the pose you hold. Makeup is equally significant in determining the outcome of your pictures. Professional makeup artists possess the skills, expertise, and tools to enhance your natural beauty and bring out your best features. Here are two ways a commercial makeup artist can elevate your photoshoot. Flawless Finish
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Tips For Preparing For Your First Tattoo Appointment

14 April 2023
 Categories: , Blog

Tattoos are a great way to express yourself and commemorate special moments in life. They're also a permanent reminder of a unique experience, and it's important to be prepared for your first tattoo appointment. Here are some helpful tips to ensure you have a great experience. Choose Your Design Choosing a design is a crucial part of preparing for your first tattoo appointment. Many people get tattoos for their symbolic meanings or personal significance, so you must choose a design with a special place in your heart.
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About Me
Falling in Love with the Performing Arts

When I was a little girl, I fell in love with the performing arts. I sang favorite songs while taking baths, riding in cars, and playing with dolls. I frequently attempted to make music on a toy drum set, a keyboard, and the piano at my grandparents’ home. When I was seven-years-old, my parents signed me up for piano lessons. A few months later, I nervously performed in front of a packed audience at my first piano recital. At the age of 12, I sang for the first time in front of an audience at a Christmas program at my school. I couldn’t believe how much applause I got. Immediately, I knew I wanted the performing arts to always play an important role in my life. On this blog, I hope you will discover how engaging in the performing arts can enhance your life. Enjoy!
